New Decade – New Market

Looking to establish an industry-wide, single style online Auction platform – managed by each agent?

It’s Saturday 6.00 pm and this week felt a little more positive in the high-end market.


We think we all know we are at a bottom in terms of activity (almost none) – so it can only be up from here.

We think we have some direction as an industry in terms of inspections – well at least for the next little while.

We think people are feeling more comfortable that most of us may get out of this ok – health wise.

However, right now property buy-sell action is very, very limited.

We thought this downtime could be good to look at a big picture going forward.

The old market is now long gone.

So our thinking has been around what can we all do in this new, very different market, to meet the needs of our buying and selling clients?

Outside our PPP (Position, Property, Price) buying fundamentals and our CAN (Clarity, Assess, Negotiate) Ratings Decision-making process, we have added three additional areas of focus for the next few weeks, which may (or may not) resonate with what you are thinking about.


One focus is innovation and we are trying to do that in how we present this week’s Marketnews and other communications. It may or may not work, that’s ok, we have the time to re-think and consider new things.


Another focus is information. More on that in Marketnews next week. With the new market, good results will be headlines and bad results not mentioned. So how do we find a sense of truth on what is really happening – Marketnews is how.

Inspirational Income:

How can you maintain wellbeing and profit, or act on wellbeing and profit, in what for some will be scary and for others, very exciting times?

This new market will be like no other (they never are), yet overall what works and what doesn’t will essentially be the same (it always is).

Our promise is every week of the virus lockdowns we will produce a James Marketnews, including next week’s Anzac Day – however, we will not work Saturday morning. Go Pies!

Feedback is always welcome and if you have Innovative, Information, Income and/or Inspirational Ideas on how to buy and sell in this market, that you are happy to share, then we are happy to give them a run here.

What’s Happening?

Who does this market work for and who doesn’t it work for?

The Curve

Plenty of curves, which ones count in property?

How we are buying now?

How can you actually buy now – what’s changed?

How we are selling now?

How can you actually sell now – innovate?

Innovation – How could online auctions work?

Is it possible to find a consistent online platform that works for all in Victoria? Click through to see some new possible ideas?

Please send us your innovative online auction ideas to be you a buyer or seller or agent.

Innovation – Off-market – telling a powerful story

With thanks to our clients for their permission, Duane from and Leigh from Urban Angles.

Please send us any innovative marketing ideas that you would like to suggest to be you a buyer or seller or agent.

Well done to the and president Leah


Got a nice reply

Thank you, we got a number of emails last week about how we as an industry can help

From: email address removed
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 5:50 PM
To: Newsletter <>
Subject: Re: How can we as an industry help more?

Hi James team,

I’ve appreciated your emails (and some calls with Gina) in normal times, and also now.

In particular your comments about how the industry can help people in abnormal circumstances struck a chord with me. I have been wondering if there is some way I could offer my beach house to people needing help (eg as safety from domestic violence, asylum seekers who can’t work or access benefits).

It’s easy to offer help without understanding or managing the range of complexities (insurance, safety, community willingness to accept outsiders, other support) – so there was a considered industry response to provide really useful help to people in need, I’d be happy to offer the use of a house.

Thank you for thinking broadly!

Kind regards,

Name withheld

We welcome suggestions from the community as to how we as agents could help. Happy to publicise them here. Any suggestions on the above letter:

Still enjoyed a walk every day last week

And this one I walked past this morning near the beach – we agree with you Nick!

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